Curious Discoveries

This will be a page dedicated to curious discoveries that I find interesting. I hope you learn something, bookmark so you can come back and check the updates.  Today, I am going to give you 9 facts about the human brain.

Human Brain

The Brain’s Fatty Glory: Fatty Gray Matter The Most Amazing Part About The Brain Is Not only does it contain the highest amount of fat than any other part of our body, but our brain also turns out to be the fattiest of all. Surprisingly, approximately sixty percent of it contains fat. However, in this case, we should first note that not all fats are the same. Your brain is healthy on the natural substances that boost the brain like omega-3 fatty acids available in fishes, walnuts, and seeds of flax. Thus, during the nut session next time you know that you are giving yourself some delicious healthy oil fat for your craving brain.

Infinite Storage: The remarkable storing ability of your brain. Your brain contains approximately 86 billion neurons that can each make between 200 and 100,000 connections with other neurons, leading to an estimated total of one quadrillion possible connections. That’s a larger number of connections than there are stars in our galaxy!! Regrettably, illnesses such as Alzheimer’s will disorganize this amazing network, making neurons fail and memories vanish.

Supersonic Highway: Information travels through your brain as faster than the sonic shock wave, reaching top speeds of up to 268 mph. It’s sort of an ultra-fast freeway for your thought and action. However, once this fast network becomes compromised, these conditions include epileptic seizures. The brain’s highway becomes congested with this kind of thought.

Spinal Cord: Your spinal cord is similar to a life line which connects your brain to the remainder of your body. This is where it develops and sends messages, and it normally reaches its mature stage when it’s only four years old. On the other hand, such diseases as ALS or multiple sclerosis may interfere with proper communication pathways in muscles and cause significant pain in life.

Brain Freeze: When it comes to brain freezes, one can never be satisfied even though each and every one of us has experienced what is popularly known as brain freeze when eating our favorite frozen food. Actually, the condition is called sphenopalatine ganglion neuralgia. The headache comes as a result when cold touches the nerves in the skin covering the outside part of the brain. Therefore, keep in mind that the next brain freeze is lurking while enjoying your ice cream.

The Micro Universe Within: It takes only one piece of brain tissue smaller than a grain of sand to have over a hundred thousand neurons and more than a billion synapses. Such links are the basis for your thoughts, deeds, and memory. However, they are fragile, and damage, e.g., for stroke or Parkinson’s disease can be significant. (my fav of curious discoveries)

Brain Power: Did you know that your brain produces about 23 watts? That’s enough to light a tiny LED lamp. Your brain might be the best machine around but even it needs breaks. Sleep helps repair the brain’s own cellular system and if it is poor then there are grave consequences, including Alzheimer’s.

A brain’s fine-tuning and power

Did you know that your brain isn’t fully formed until you reach the age of 25? It’s like your brain is fine-tuning itself, starting from the back and moving forward. Your frontal lobes, responsible for planning and reasoning, are the last to strengthen their connections. So, if you’ve ever wondered why your decision-making skills improved in your mid-20s, now you know why.

Debunking the 10% Myth: The Myth About Usage Of Only Ten Percent Of Our Brains The truth? However, we consume everything including while we are asleep. Neurologists know that your brain never rests. In its daily job of controlling every one of your body’s actions and thoughts. Therefore, do not underrate the value of your awesome mind!

In conclusion, the human brain is an absolute marvel, with its fatty composition, incredible capacity, and non-stop activity. It’s a testament to the beauty of our biology. So, next time you ponder the complexity of your own mind, remember that you are in control of this incredible organ. Nurture it with the right nutrients, keep learning, and give it the rest it deserves.

Stay tuned for more Curious Discoveries!

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