The Importance of Proper Skin Care

A Lifelong Journey

The Start

From age ten, I have been acutely aware of the importance of proper skin care. A painful and transformative experience sparked this consciousness during my early teens on a fateful vacation in sunny Florida. I learned the hard way the significance of safeguarding one’s skin from the sun’s harsh rays, an experience that forever altered my approach to skincare.

During that ill-fated vacation, I neglected to take responsible precautions against the sun, resulting in a severe sunburn that left me not only in excruciating pain but also physically ill. The discomfort was so severe that I found myself in the emergency room, waiting for what felt like an eternity. It was there that a doctor delivered the sobering news: the damage to my skin was permanent, and I would become increasingly hypersensitive to sun exposure as I aged. This shocking revelation began my lifelong dedication to proper skin care.

The Reaction

Determined to protect my skin from further harm, I adopted a stringent skincare regimen. I bid farewell to the fragrant but potentially harmful “smell good” soaps and lotions, opting for products that prioritize skin health. Sunscreen became my daily companion, applied religiously to shield my skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. I embraced the habit of donning wide-brimmed hats and covering up with long sleeves and pants whenever possible, all to minimize sun exposure. Despite my best efforts, the occasional sun exposure often left me with painful blisters that itched and eventually burst. Despite these setbacks, I persisted in my quest to protect my skin.

Adapting My Skin Care

As the years passed, my forties arrived, and a new set of challenges came with them. My body began to ache, and after extensive medical evaluation, I was diagnosed with a generic autoimmune issue. However, my heightened awareness of my body’s signals allowed us to catch the condition early, allowing me to manage its progression and minimize flare-ups through dietary adjustments.

This journey of self-discovery and empowerment through dietary changes opened my eyes to the importance of holistic health. I learned to embrace clean eating, preparing meals from scratch, and prioritizing the nutritional content of my food. Simultaneously, I scrutinized the chemicals in the products I used daily on my skin and hair. To my dismay, many commercial soaps, shampoos, lotions, and even sunscreen contained many potentially harmful ingredients.

In response, I embarked on a mission to detoxify my skincare routine. I replaced conventional products with food-grade coconut oil for my skin and scalp, providing a natural and nourishing alternative. Additionally, I scoured the market for the most natural and gentle soap I could afford, eliminating harsh chemicals from my daily cleansing routine. The results were surprising; while initially appearing unchanged, my skin exhibited newfound resilience against sunburn.


My journey toward improved skin health also led me to discover a collagen supplement that worked wonders for my hair, nails, and skin. Regular consumption of this supplement left my hair gleaming, my nails growing stronger, and my skin rejuvenated. It also provided a subtle energy boost, akin to a sugar snack without the detrimental effects of excess sugar consumption.

However, the most transformative moment in my skincare journey came when I was introduced to a remarkable healing balm. Initially, I applied it to my lips, and my amazement, my husband couldn’t even detect its presence. Typically, he is sensitive to the feel of chapstick. Encouraged by this success, I used the healing balm on scratches and minor wounds, such as a particularly aggressive cat scratch. Astonishingly, the next day, the scratch had transformed into healthy-looking skin with no scab.

These two products, the collagen supplement and the healing balm, have been game-changers in my skincare routine. Not only have they reduced the depth of my fine lines, but my skin also feels more supple and youthful. The use of natural ingredients in these products aligns perfectly with my commitment to clean living, ensuring that my body feels well inside and out.

In conclusion, my lifelong journey with skincare has taught me the importance of protecting and nourishing our skin, a vital organ that deserves our utmost care. It is a canvas that reflects our overall health and well-being, and by adopting a holistic approach to skincare, we can look better and feel better. The lessons learned from my experiences, from the early sunburn to the discovery of natural skincare alternatives, underscore the significance of proper skincare practices in maintaining vibrant and healthy skin.

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